International Journal of Instruction, Technology, and Social Sciences <p>The International Journal of Instruction, Technology, and Social Science (IJITSS) is a peer-reviewed scholarly online journal. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Authors alone are responsible for the contents of their articles. The journal owns the copyright of the articles. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of the research material. All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations regarding the submitted work.</p> NKN TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES en-US International Journal of Instruction, Technology, and Social Sciences 2716-6546 <p> All Right Reserved. Copyright © 2020</p> <p>All articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). This license permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction provided that the authors, citation details and publisher are clearly identified. For any reuse or distribution, users must make clear that the article is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution license. </p> <p>If an article is accepted for publication in IJITSS journal, authors will be asked to submit a copyright form through the Open Journal System. Copyright Transfer Form. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. A notification will be sent to the corresponding Author confirming receipt of the manuscript. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that his or her submitted work does not infringe any existing copyright. Authors should obtain permission to reproduce or adapt copyrighted material and provide evidence of approval upon submitting the final version of a manuscript.</p> Strengthening Islamic Education Management Through Emergency Curriculum Adaptation During the Covid-19 Pandemic <p>This study aims to analyze efforts to strengthen the management of Islamic education through the adaptation of the emergency curriculum during the Covid-19 Pandemic that focuses on learning management, management of teaching materials, methods, and media, as well as classroom management. The research method uses library research that refers to written data or materials related to the topic of discussion that is being raised. In this study, there are two types of sources, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. The results showed that (1) the management of learning where teachers conduct online learning through media that is considered effective and efficient by emphasizing the aspects of the benefits obtained from the learning activities of learners; (2) the management of teaching materials, methods, and media, where the teaching materials delivered by the Teacher are expected to be essential teaching materials and become a priority in learning so that there is no need for all teaching materials contained in the basic competencies delivered to the learners; and (3) classroom management, where teachers are expected to manage learning times as effectively and efficiently as possible so that the online learning process does not dry up. The implications of this study are expected to be a reference for Teachers in running online learning at home.</p> Juhji Juhji Bakroni Latar Wahdan Sanur Tarihoran Maman Maman Copyright (c) 2021 Juhji Juhji, Bakroni Latar, Wahdan Sanur Tarihoran, Maman Maman 2021-01-03 2021-01-03 1 3 1 7 Design of Worked Examples for Learning Programming <p>Learning from worked examples, or example-based learning, has been found to be effective for learning problem solving. Several instructional principles for worked example design have been proposed based on research studies conducted in several domains. However, research on the design of worked examples for programming education is limited. This study reviews research studies on worked examples proposed for teaching and learning how to solve programming problems and analyses the proposed designs with respect to the instructional principles for example-based learning. This paper presents the results of the analysis and the characteristics of the proposed designs. This paper also discusses the findings and suggests areas for further research.</p> Mariam Nainan Balamuralithara Balakrishnan Ahmad Zamzuri Mohamad Ali Copyright (c) 2021 Mariam Nainan, Balamuralithara Balakrishnan, Ahmad Zamzuri Mohamad Ali 2021-01-03 2021-01-03 1 3 8 16 Applicability of RFID in Higher Education <p>The paper aims to identify the applicability of RFID in higher education. Being one of the most robust wireless communication technologies, RFID can be applied to wireless applications in different fields.&nbsp;In order for the higher education sector in Malaysia to improve the teaching system and administration of institutions, it should take advantage of the adoption of RFID to improve the quality of education in higher education. In order to ensure that students are best provided, educational sectors should be encouraged to invest more in the growth and advancement of RFID technology. Given the difficulties and obstacles of integrating RFID technology, refinements and enhancements to RFID technology should be the highlight of academic discussions among decision makers and stake holders in the higher education ministry. RFID is also viewed as an IOT precondition. If all everyday objects were fitted with radio tags, computers could recognise and inventory them. When the RFID readers are linked to the Internet terminal, they can identify, track and control objects attached to tags globally, automatically and in real time as necessary after they have been distributed around the globe. This is one of the many advantages of the Internet of Things in the future especially in the Industrial Revolution 4.0&nbsp;</p> Arumugam Raman Copyright (c) 2021 Arumugam Raman 2021-01-03 2021-01-03 1 3 Customer’s Acceptance of New Trading Software (UWT) 2/2020 <p>This study aimed to help Unitrade West (UW) company to understand the acceptance of online shopping technology, which AbanteCart. The researchers were able to identify 1125 customers of the UW company to measure the acceptance level of the web-based shopping cart. Modified TAM model was used to measure the acceptance level of current customers. The questionnaire was sent via Google form to each customer and analysed using SmartPLS 3.1. The result PEU &gt;PU= (β=0.4210, p&lt;0.05); PEU&gt;AU= (β= 0.3470, p&lt;0.05), PU&gt;AU=( β=0.2450, p&lt;0.05); AU &gt; IU= (β=0.1350, p&lt;0.05); and PU&gt;IU=(β=0.1526, p&lt;0.05), have significant relationship. All five hypotheses are accepted. The <em>R</em><sup>2</sup> value is 0.471 tells that 47.1% variance explained by predictor variables. The finding shows that the AbanteCart software is still relevant in online trading purposes. The company was advised to update the current version and continue to use it as the present customers accept it.</p> Arumugam Raman Yahya Don Copyright (c) 2021 Arumugam Raman, Yahya Don 2021-01-03 2021-01-03 1 3 26 33