International Journal of Instruction, Technology and Social Sciences 2025-01-11T09:42:49+02:00 Arumugam Raman Open Journal Systems <p>The International Journal of Instruction, Technology, and Social Science (IJITSS) is a peer-reviewed scholarly online journal. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Authors alone are responsible for the contents of their articles. The journal owns the copyright of the articles. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of the research material. All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations regarding the submitted work.<br /><br />Increasing audience is our key role to develop a greater international research community. See top counties list below:<br /><img src="" /></p> DYNAMICS OF RISK FACTORS IN THE NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY ENVIRONMENT 2024-11-07T21:31:32+02:00 Edith Kaiter Bogdan Dobrota Robert-Sebastian Popa <p>The past decade was marked with an embrace of both positive and negative trends that entrenched new global security threats that occasioned both international and regional risks. However, it is possible to achieve major objectives in this time lapse; yet there has been an emergent necessity to build a new architecture of international/ regional security phenomenon. Nevertheless, the contemporary world still offers numerous conflicts based on the access to resources and such aspects as ethnic, cultural, religious and ideological diversities.</p> <p>The present paper now turns to one of the areas greatly affected by instability, uncertainty and disruption of the established international relations. Current conflict dynamics depict a different picture, with terrorist attacks in 2015 being clear evidence of need for different approach to the problem than the military one. They have a significant role in protecting national security as public order is a state of order within a country characterized by harmony, law and order in societies. It is essential as it relates to stability and protection and which requires national and international security to be in synergy and to admit extensive multidimensional international cooperation. This era stresses out the need to update national legislation to the international level and the development of international police cooperation. A management of public order through information is crucial to tackle existing security challenges. Thus, the protection of security and public order is currently one of the main worldwide and regional priorities in a condition of constant alteration and uncertain risks, requires an extensive and integrated interdisciplinary view on the current and future problems.</p> 2024-12-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Edith Kaiter, Bogdan Dobrotă, Robert-Sebastian Popa Influence Peddling 2025-01-04T14:39:56+02:00 Gheorghe Buzescu <p>Trafficking in influence is addressed at the international level in the context of affirming the need for criminalization and law enforcement in this area, in art. 18 of the United Nations Convention against corruption, adopted in New York on October 31, 2003 and ratified by Romania through Law no. 365/2004 where it is stipulated that "each state party adopts the legislative measures and other measures that prove to be necessary to assign the character of a crime, in the event that the acts were committed with intent: a) the act of promising, offering or giving to a public agent or any other person, directly or indirectly, an improper benefit, with the aim that the respective agent or the respective person abuses his real or supposed influence, in view obtaining from an administrative authority or from a public authority of the state party an improper benefit for the initial instigator of the act or for any other person; b) the act of a public agent or another person to request or accept, directly or indirectly, an improper benefit for himself or for another person, with the aim of abusing his real or supposed influence, in order to obtain a improper use from an administrative authority or from a public authority of the state party”. It has been observed that the provisions of this convention have a much more extensive nature than the precedent of the instrument adopted in the matter of anti-corruption, as it addresses the requirements for the criminalization of various acts, including influence peddling. The criminal convention on corruption, adopted within the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, on January 27, 1999, ratified by Romania through Law no. 27/2002, states, in art. 12, that "each party adopts the legislative measures and other measures that prove necessary to criminalize as a crime, according to its internal law, if it was committed with intent, the act of proposing, offering or giving, directly or indirectly, any use improperly, for remuneration, to anyone who affirms or confirms that he is able to exercise an influence in making a decision by any of the persons referred to in art. 2, art. 4-6 and of art. 9-11 [i.е. national public agents, members of national public assemblies, foreign public agents, members of foreign public assemblies, international officials, members of international parliamentary assemblies, judges and agents of international courts], regardless of whether the improper benefit is for oneself or for someone else, as well as the act of requesting, receiving or accepting the offer or promise, as remuneration, for such influence, regardless of whether the influence is or is not exercised or whether the alleged influence produces or does not produce the desired result"</p> 2025-01-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Assessment of TBC1 coverage of 2015 Presidential Elections in Tanzania 2025-01-11T09:42:49+02:00 Kaanaeli Kaale <p>This study assessed TBC1 2015 Presidential Election news coverage.&nbsp; The study used the specific objectives firstly, to assess the extent TBC1 coverage of CCM and UKAWA 2015 Presidential candidates, secondly to examine TBC1 news tones coverage of CCM and UKAWA 2015&nbsp;&nbsp; presidential candidate and lastly, to find out types of TBC1 news coverage of CCM and UKAWA 2015 Presidential candidates.</p> <p>This research applied concurrent mixed research methods to collect and analyze both qualitative and quantitative data. The study examined news content in 448 news bullets aired in months of the election campaign from August to October 2015. The results showed that there is biasness in the TBC1 news coverage as ruling part, CCM received wide coverage and UKAWA Presidential candidate received lower coverage in all items including news frequency, news length, news placement and news tones.&nbsp; The general findings demonstrated that CCM candidate received 1,700 % equivalent to 75% while UKAWA candidate received only 566 news, which is 25% of news frequencies for both candidates.</p> <p>The findings showed that the agenda-setting effect of journalism reflects the interests of media owners (McCombs &amp; Shaw, 1972). Unbalanced media coverage affects political candidate’s especial opposition party. The findings suggest that there is a need to reform the policies and regulations informing electoral coverage to ensure a more balanced portrayal of all presidential candidates as it stated in the National Elections Act, 1995 Cap. 343 (URT, 2015).</p> 2025-01-11T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kaanaeli Kaale The Study of UNSC Structure and Reform for Effective Imposition of International Sanctions 2024-12-20T15:26:53+02:00 David Kim <p>This paper analyzes the structural flaws of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and their impact on the effectiveness of international sanctions. It focuses on the rivalry among permanent members (P5), particularly China and Russia, and examines how veto misuse and conflicting national interests hinder the UNSC’s ability to enforce sanctions effectively. Through case studies of North Korea and Russia, the research demonstrates how P5 self-interest undermines collective decision-making, reducing UNSC sanctions to unilateral state actions. The paper concludes that reforms, such as revising the veto system and addressing power rivalries, are crucial for enhancing the effectiveness of UNSC sanctions and strengthening global governance.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 David Kim